how to tell when a parakeet is sick. whena parakeet or any bird for that matter, gets sick, they start getting lethargic, they'regoing to sit in one area of the cage a lot. they're going to puff their beaks up or theirfeathers up make themselves look bigger, what they're actually doing is trying to increasetheir body warmth. the number one cause of any kind of a sickness in a parakeet is goingto be cold temperatures. remember these are tropical birds. they need to be kept in atleast the 70's to be healthy. any cold drafts hitting them can cause them to get sick, respiratoryinfections are very prevalent and can be very detrimental to the bird. of course alwayskeep your eye out for any discharge from the nasal area or any discharge from the want to make sure that the animal isn't
bleeding anywhere, anything like that. theseare all important indicators for the health of the parakeet. but the number one indicatoris lethargy and puffing them self up. if your parakeet is doing that all the time, thenit's time to take him to the vet, he needs to be looked at immediately. he could havean upper respiratory infection or some other sort of disease that could bring his lifeto an end very soon. so make sure that if, birds are very delicate, so make sure thatif you see any of these signs you do take your bird to a proper vet and make sure youhave a vet already scoped out in the case of such a thing.