what not to feed pigeons. pigeons are scavengers,they'll eat pretty much anything they can find. as a person going out to feed the pigeonsyou don't want to feed them anything other then a nice bird seed or maybe bread. stayaway from human foods, stay away from things definitely like alka-seltzer and other medicationsand things like that. birds have very, very delicate digestive systems so you want tobe very, very careful with them. for the best results for feeding a pigeon you want to feedthem either a nice wild pigeon food you can buy or a commercial pigeon food or a commercialpigeon food or you can purchase them you know some bread to feed them as a little snackand treat. don't go any father than that, don't get weird or feed them anything strange.we want to make sure that we are being healthy
for the animal and that you are not causingany digestive problems in the long run. if you are really, really want, you can givethem small pieces of like fresh fruit and vegetables things like that. but definitelystay away from any prepared man made food items that could cause problems with preservativesor chemicals like that in the diet. so stick with the commercial foods, the bird seeds,the breads, it's very important. we don't want to kill our little friends out thereor cause them any problems with like say diarrhea or digestional tract problems that could possiblykill the pigeon . stick with the seeds, stick with the bread.