if you have a sick bird, there are severalthings to remember. but the first and foremost is to get that bird isolated, away from allyour other birds as fast as possible. then the bird needs warmth. use a heating pad,a brooder, anything that you can to get warmth to that bird. i would suggest highly thatwhen you know a bird is sick, that you see a, an avian vet. they're not a lot of avianvets around, but there are many good ones around. the reason being, that a bird doesnot show that it is sick, until it is well sick. because, they are attuned to hidingany illness away from their flock so that they won't be banned from the flock. so, bythe time you can see that a bird is sick, it has been sick for a while. i use marvelaid if a bird is just being stressed. say,
from moving it from one location to another.marvel aid works real well for minor things. but there is nothing that can beat the intelligenceand knowledge of an avian vet when you have a sick bird. and more than likely, that willbe the only way you'll be able to save that bird. if your bird has been exposed to smoke,near a fire or anywhere where the smoke has got to the bird, birds cannot get that smokeout of their lungs. they may go on for months and never show a sign, and then all of thesudden, you loose that bird. fires are very dangerous to birds, and, i myself even hada fire in which i thought my birds were fine, and then months later i started loosing them,and it was said that it was due to the smoke in their lung.