hey everyone, i'm hannah and today i am goingto talk about how i went from carrying a giant backpack every single day to school-to nowall i carry is a small purse type backpack with just a few essentials. this is my walletthat i carry with me everywhere. this is my pencil case which used to be a glasses casethat i have repurposed. i only carry 3 pens and a highlighter. 1 thin sharpie pen, 1 mediumsized sharpie pen, a ball point pen, this plain sharpie... i don't actually take withme.. i don't know why it was in there. this is the highlighter. they all fit perfectlyin this case. next is my day planner which i also take with me pretty much everywhere,i got it from the dollar store back in september. it has important dates at the front and backhere is where i write my homework. this is
my laptop which i take all of my notes onand this is why i don't actually bring any note books with me. it all fits inside ofthis bag which is a purse but the straps turn into a backpack as well. everything fits perfectlyinside of there, it's got some pockets on the side which is where i keep the smallerthings like my wallet and pencil case and the bigger things go in the main part. i usedto carry this giant backpack which really weighed me down. this is my lunch kit thati carry with me everyday so all of the food (depending on how much-or how long i'm atschool) goes in here, including a water bottle. so that's it, that's all i carry with me.