injured bird what to do

injured bird what to do

my name is dr. endre sos and i will try totell you how to take care of an injured bird. first of all i would like to tell you thattreating wild birds is illegal and this sparrow is also an injured bird which was found butif you as a private person do find an injured bird the most important thing is trying toassess whether the injuries are serious or whether the bird will recover soon. so thebest way if you have a bird for example which was hit with your window to provide calm anddark shelter like a covered box with holes in it and with a bigger hole for the birdto fly away by it's gain and negates cautiousness. the other important thing if you can assessthat the third has a more serious injury then you have to contact your local wildlife rehabilitatorsbecause it is important to give the bird proper

and professional treatment. if you find abird which can injure yourself like a big eagle or owl also call these societies ororganizations and don't try to catch the bird. so basically what you should do if you findan injured bird is try to give some shelter for the bird which is basically a calm anddark place and don't give it food or water and don't try to heal it. if the bird hasa minor injury or just a short time for example heat and heatage and of course the losingof the consciousness give it the opportunity for the bird to fly away. if the injury ismore serious then ask and find a contact with your local rehabilitators and don't treatthe bird which is not allowed.