hi, my name is madeline franco and we're hereto talk about birds, specifically we're going to address the topic of next boxes. parrots,generally in the wild, will breed in hollows of trees and in dark places. it's safer andthey seem to like it. you will probably want to make it out of plywood. there are metalnest boxes available commercially, but it you're going to make one yourself, unlessyou have a metal brake, you're probably going to make one out of plywood. be aware thatdifferent birds like different shapes. some like boots, some like long tunnels, some likevertical nest boxes, some like horizontal ones. for birds that are, what we call, mateaggressive, you'll want to have two exits or two entrances to that nest box so thatyou won't have any mate aggression problems
and any attacks on the mate. if you're goingto have your birds in an outdoor aviary to breed them, you will want to be sure thatyou enclose your nest box. if it is, you put an outer shell on your nest box if it is goingto be outdoors and it's going to be wood, you want to put some metal mesh that the birdcan't get through. as one who works in re-homing, i will tell you that we get a fair numberof birds in that have been allowed to chew, or you don't have to allow them that's justa natural instinct, that they will chew through the wooden part of the nest box and then theyrun for daylight. so, you don't want to lose your breeders if they're outside, you wantto be sure that you encase that nest box with some mesh so that they can't, they can't getout into the wild.