hi my name is niki here at wild birds unlimited, it's the first part of may soorioles are starting to move through the area orioles are insect and fruit eatersso we have a few different options to feed them. we carry this oriole concentratethat makes three liters of nectar we also carry this box nectar mix so thisyou aad to boiling water and has added protein and fiber for them. when itcomes to insects we carry dried, roasted meal worms and then we also do carrylive mealworms in the store. grape jelly is arguably one of oriolesfavorite foods; there are no artificial colors or preservatives there's no cornsweetener. it's all natural for them. there are
several different types of feeders fororioles this is our universal oriole feeder, so here in the reservoir you canadd the nectar mixture in these four wells here on top you can put the grapejelly then on this hook here you can put orange halves. then we have a recycled material oriole feeder with weather protection sothis one has two prongs here in the center where you can put for you halvesand then there are these cups were you can have the meal worms or jelly we alsohave this really cool arm for our pole system (aps) there are leaves here that willhold fruit halves and then there are two little cups here where you can putthe meal worms and grape jelly. so come on in to wild
birds unlimited and we'll help you getset up with your oriole feeding station and don't forget to come in on may 20thand 21st for our 10 year anniversary where all of these items and many otherswill be on sale!