hi my name's elizabeth and i'm speaking onbehalf of expert village and what i wanted to talk to you about today is the importanceof wing clipping when training your bird. now most the time i don't recommend wing clippingbut when you're first starting to work with a bird and develop a relationship with thatand animal and specifically try and teach him some tricks what you want to do is youcan go get a professional wing trim done or look it up. you want to fairly conservativeand make sure that when you do trim their wings they have enough flight to not hurtthemselves if they fall down in attempts to escape or just when they're frightened. thereason is that most of these birds if they decided that they're tired of a session oryou want to work with them in other places
you're gonna spend a lot of time chasing themdown when they decide that your sister in the other room or something out the windowis more interesting than your training session it sort of helps focus their attention a littlebit on you and on the session. after that go ahead and let their wings grow out it canteach them, you can start worrying about advanced behaviors such as flying towards you and thatsort of thing. in the beginning i do find that it is a little bit easier to train abird if you trim their wings before hand. some birds if you've got a bird like missywhere you don't need to trim their wings at all but in particular with budgies and cockatielsand lovebirds it's very, very hard to hold their attention if they can simply just flyaway and look for food and attention somewhere